Sunday, July 31, 2011


I joke about posting more serious posts, but I think this time it's for real.

I started a blog because I was bored, but I think a little part of me hoped that this would be a place where I could release my thoughts. So here are my 10 thoughts on life lately:

1. Navy and black do not mix. Ever.

2. People with strange addictions make amusing television.

  • "I'm addicted to taxidermy" (finding dead animals in the woods and stuffing them. Mmm.)

  • "I'm addicted to being a baby" (it was a transgender sleeping in a crib and wetting diapers)

  • "I'm addicted to eating rocks" (760 pounds a year to be exact)

  • "I'm addicted to eating drywall" (raised by termites much?)

  • "I'm addicted to stuffed animals" (they're my CHILDREN!!! Of COURSE they go everywhere I go!)

3. Prayer WORKS. Man oh man does it work. So many miracles have occured lately because of prayer!

4. Poetry is more legit than I thought. It's not just something you're forced to analyze in English class. For the first time since Shel Silverstein I've read poetry and it's just as amazing as the lyrics I'm always obsessing over.

5. Dress shopping sucks. Everything is just ONE INCH too short. Come one people, just make dresses a little longer! Also, if I could dress the world it would be a better place, just saying. But then, we wouldn't have Oh dear. This tradeoff is very concerning.

6. People who say they'll keep in contact after high school... don't. I now understand life. And I wish I didn't. I want to go back to my idealistic view that everyone who I mattered to then would still think that I matter now.

7. The summer after high school and before college is AWKWARD. I'm invited to Young Womens, Young Single Adult, AND Relief Society activities. I'm having an identity crisis here! I don't belong anywhere! It's a weird feeling not knowing where to go on Sundays. I have a feeling that no matter where I go I'll feel out of place though.

8. Rationalizing is a bad, bad thing. We had a lesson in Young Womens today about repentance and we talked about how sinning with the thought that "oh, I'll just repent of that later" is SUCH a destructive path to go down. I remember when I first had that thought. No one had introduced me to it, I just thought it. And once I did I had a strange feeling that it wouldn't be right. I sooned learned that it wasn't right, and I'm so glad I did. The lesson said it's much harder to repent for that type of sin. So I got to thinking about rationalizing. And how much I do it. How much we all must do it. And how incredibly hard it is to recognize that you're doing it. But also how much it can hurt. From now on I'm going to be on rationalization patrol. Wish me luck! ;)

9. "Where I Stood" by Missy Higgins is a BEAUTIFUL song.

10. Good friends are hard to find. I have some <3

And in honor of one of them, Matthew Frederickson, this post shall be called #realtalk. Ahahah(:

So. Give me some feedback! If you dig my #realtalk mixed in here, tell me! And if you want me to stick to funny pictures and witty posting, tell me that as well! I'm open for suggestions(:

I'm going to go keep it real, so TTFN!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Oh hi. It's just me, being awkward in DC.

OH. MY. GOSH. Josh Groban is amazing. I just got back from his concert and he is JUST as amazing in real life as he is recorded (he's also hilarious)! And I have proof! I have a video of him singing "You Are Loved", which is one of the songs I wanted him to sing. The only other song he sang that was one I had gone in hoping to hear was "Weeping". And I've been trying to upload this video on to this post for like an hour now but it's taking too long :( I'll just provide a link to it on facebook sometime. Sorrryyyyy.

P.S. The opening act's name was Elew and he plays the piano BEAUTIFULLY. If you're into piano music, I would definitely check him out ( Not of the library).

Alright so I have some unfinished business to take care of. Remember my recommendation to visit the Shabby Apple website? CHANGED MY MIND. Dude, okay. I got the 2 dresses in the mail that I ordered and I wanted to be able to say "not too shabby!" but these dresses were SO SHABBY. Oh my goodness. Such poor quality. They were the cheapest material and weren't even lined. And the cute red belt that was supposed to come with my houndstooth dress ended up being a crappy piece of sweatshop pleather. For the price they're selling those dresses those things should have been WAY better. So I sent them back. I'm really sad that it didn't work out :/

Some of you may know that not too long ago I participated in Trek. If you're wondering about Trek, then here are some great articles about it:

The first one has a GREAT quote from Michael Stewart, and the second is more personal because the women's pull was a really tough experience and it talks about that.

Well I'm going to go reminisce about le concerto and pretend I know whatever language(s) I just tried to speak in. TTFN!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

On a More Serious Note...

I know my blog posts have thus far encompassed a lighter tone, but it's time to get serious. Real friends are hard to find. Example A:

Best believe it. And also:

I'm not saying a friend did this, but it's still serious as heck.

Sew tewday I have some TRE exciting news. Mi madre, Jessie, and I are going to see Josh Groban in concert tomorrow! I don't know how my dad swung these tickets (his work has a box at the Verizon Center so we get these tickets free but they're not easy to get), but I'm sure glad he did! Here are a few Josh Groban songs that I enjoy and that I hope he sings tomorrow:

Remember When it Rained


In Her Eyes

So She Dances

After being at home for 2 weeks I am READY for something out of the ordinary like a concert to get me out of the house and cheer me up!

I KNOW I JUST TALKED MUSIC BUT OH EM GOSH. Listen. I'm not a hard core rap lover. Far from it. But Chiddy Bang... Mmph. Finding those couple clean raps he has up his sleeve paired with the most amazing beats & music made me appreciate rap so much. Right now I'm OBSESSED with these songs:

All Things Go

Mind Your Manners


Opposite of Adults

Note: Find the clean versions. They exist! Though, for Mind Your Manners I could only find a version with one of the 2 curse words bleeped out. Just for your fyi (ahahaha people actually say this... true story).

I know this is short. Don't hate me... (: I'm going to go pop some pills (that's all I seem to be doing these days). TTFN!

Friday, July 22, 2011

La-la Land

According to my calculations, the last of my Vicodin should have worn off around a half an hour ago. This is a good thing. Trust me. Since the extraction of my wisdom teeth, I've been in "La-la Land". For those of you who don't know what that is, let me show you:

Oh, why yes children, here it is! La-la Land. It's obviously where an Asian couple runs around in a field of gigantic lollipops with random birds flying about. And that's where I've been for the past few days, in case you were wondering. Which you obviously were.

Also, when I looked up "la la land" on Google, a lot of Demi Lovato stuff came up. I guess she has a song by that name. Anywho. I sort of threw up in my mouth. That is all.

OH I GUESS I SHOULD MENTION... I actually do like ONE Demi Lovato song. Your one saving grace, Demi. It's called "Catch Me" and it's really cute. You should listen to it even if you're mildly scared of the whole "Sonny With a Chance" scenario like I am.

Ugh. Wisdom teeth extraction. I feel like if I talk about this I'm going to lose my 2 followers. Because it was just a gross experience. Let's just sum this puppy up, shall we? I hate needles. Solution? Laughing gas until the IV is in. So everything is going great, right? Wow, not. I wake up from laughing gas and puke over my shoulder. I have now made a fantastic impression on these people. And then, the surgery starts. When I started to wake up and was still loopy apparently I cried for my mom. I even tried sign language on the poor doctors. Who knows WHAT I said in that half an hour of waking up. I'm just glad there were no cameras. Yeah, yeah. You wanted them there. Shush. And then I threw up once we got home. Reallllll smooth. I'm really sorry if this is a bad story. Should I stop? No? Okay. So then there's this piece of stitching hanging off my gum so I took scissors to it (blame it on the vi-i-o-i-o-i-codinnnnn) and accidentally pulled out the whole stitch. Really late at night. A midnight call to the 'ol doc confirmed that I would be fine. WOOOOOOO. Now I just have a huge hole in the back of my mouth! Next time you see me, look at it. I dare you. And oh, I almost passed out from pain and stuff on my bathroom floor but that's no biggie. All part of the wonderful wisdom teeth extraction experience. Look forward to it, young ones.

That was a long(ish) story. I apologize for your short attention spans. Need some ice for that burn? Actually, I could use some ice for my mouth.... huh. Anywho.

Hahahahahaha:Just saying. That's a pretty good way to catch a crook.

Well I'm going to go tell some jokes and try to catch thieves, so TTYL!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Mrs. Ariel Longbottom

Alright, so it's kind of a joke, but also kind of the most serious thing of my entire life. I'm talking about my undying love for Neville Longbottom, beeteedubs. I just saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part Two anddddddddd I'm basically going to marry Neville.

Picture time:



Oh, dibs.

Also, when I was walking out of the theater I was singing "I'm going to marry Neville Longgggggbottom!" in an opera voice and this random man starting singing an opera note and then was like "oh, sorry. Haha."....... Yeah. I love it when random men start singing with me.

Oh. And the movie was amazing. In case you were wondering.

Music for today:

Okay, so Eisley is really great. If you don't know Eisley, look them up!




Watch It Die

are three great songs by Eisley. And that's what I've got for ya today.

*Sigh*. Tomorrow I get my wisdom teeth out. I'm finally starting to NOT be sick and then sickness is thrust on me. Today I appear to be a (semi) normal human being. But tomorrow...

I think the glasses just come with the gig.

Wish me luck on surgery! And unfortunately I will NOT be allowing my mother to record the ridiculous things I say whilst "under the influence". Visiting hours are between anytime and whenevs. Not that I'm desperate for company or anything. But hey. I'm going to go listen to Passion Pit. TTFN!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Some Days aren't All That Fun.

Not every day can be a party, I suppose. But as I sit at home alone, sick, while my family is at the beach (come and get me pedos- NOT), I'm just really REALLY bored. To cure this boredom I have been watching Bones. Jenny Baker got me hooked when she showed me a couple episodes in her apartment at BYU last summer and since then I've watched every season up until Season 6. Which is like... now. So in the last 2 days I've been watching it online and OH MY GOSH. Guys, this show is DA BOMB. Like fo rullz. And yes, the picture up top is of the cast. If you're ever bored, watch this show. DO ITTTTTTTT.

Okee sew naow eye'm gewing tew tak liek thees. Eye hope yew can reed eet.

ALRIGHTY. This is a picture I found on fatpita. Because I am a fat pita. This woman truly knows what's important in life. Fried chicken and hairdryers <3

Music for the day: Props to Matthew to sending me this link. Live stream of Fleet Foxes as we speak!

Movies: My life sucks because I've been too sick to see Harry Potter BUT I saw MegaMind today. I had very, very low expectations. But it's actually pretty funny! If you're ever forced to watch something with your siblings, I'd reccommend this :)

I'm going to go watch Kendall play with a plastic pickle. TTFN!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

YouTube Confession

It's been so long since I posted last!

Okay, not.

But this is kind of fun. Hopefully it's kind of fun for you, too.

First off, I want to tell y'all about the reason I made a YouTube account. It wasn't to make awesome videos or anything. Goodness knows I can't do that. No, it was so I could get e-mail updates when Charlie McDonnell makes new videos. He's this awesome English guy who is just... awesome. His videos are awesome. Here's a link to his YouTube channel.

He also has a website.

But just remember, he's mine. DIBS.

Oh Charlie.

Here's some moosic for the day. Today I opted for some chilllllllllll music. Something to relax to.

You're a Cad - The Bird and the Bee

Autumn Fallin' - Jaymay

Rangers - A Fine Frenzy

Other Side of the World - KT Tunstall

Locked Up - Ingrid Michaelson

The Heart of Life - John Mayer

The Funeral - Band of Horses

West Coast - Coconut Records


Alright. So before I go, I just wanted to prove to everyone that I AM INDEED A MERMAID. See? This is me in all my glory. And yes, Jessie is a fish. Kthanksbye.

That really IS all for now though... TTFN!


Okay, here's the dress. I might have ordered it. I forget. I guess we'll find out!

Houndstooth Dress with A-Symmetrical Collar, Cap Sleeves and Straight Skirt

Let's Start at the Beginning

The beginning is a good place to start, I suppose.

I'm Ariel. Yes, like the mermaid. Hence the "creative" blog title? Mmm? MMMMM?

Hopefully if you're reading this, you already know that. If not, you're kind of creepy.

I made this blog because it's summer. It's late. I'm bored. And I figured hey, why not?

It's a great reason to start a blog. I highly suggest it.

At this point I should probably be showing you something. How about a picture of me when I graduated? The graduating itself wasn't too exciting, but knowing that I'm done with high school FOREVER is an indescribable feeling. Can you hear "A Whole New World" being played in the background? I can. And oh. This whole new world will be BYU, in case you were wondering. It's where I've ALWAYS wanted to go. I am beyond excited.

This post is going to be really ADD, but I'm not here to write essays, just to talk about little things that I find interesting. So it's on to the next topic!

Ooh, how about music? Here's my playlist for the day:

Holidays - Miami Horror

L.E.S. Artistes - Santigold

Animal (Fake Blood Remix) - Miike Snow

Miss You - Foster the People

The First Single (You Know Me) - The Format

The Future Freaks Me Out - Motion City Sound Track

The Boys Are Too Refined- The Hush Sound

Believe - The Bravery

Say it Again - Marie Digby

OH! And here's a link to go listen to this playlist on Grooveshark. It's called "Take a Listen!". I have no idea why.

OK SOOOOOOOO. Now I want to talk fashion. Cool? Cool. It's all coooooooooool.

For all you fellow Mormon ladiessss out there (does this mean I'm a lady? hahahaha), here is a website with super cute MODEST clothes. Score!

You'll love it, or your money back! Except not. You don't pay me. Unfortunately. *sigh*

And ok I just posted a GORGEOUS dress from Shabby Apple. Check it out! I'm going to go lollygag, so TTFN!