Good news! The internet is fixed! Yusssssssssss.
So today the guy who plays Joseph Smith in the new movie spoke in a fireside. I got his autograph... Hahahaha. Brother Johnson was like "Girls, realize that he's married. And his brother is going on his mission". And we were alllll "Awwww man!" except not. But he's cool. I told him I'd see him at BYU. Because I will. It was a great fireside. I'm excited to see this movie. Oh and here, you can read about it. Dustin is indeed the man I met. Be jealous.
Heer ees a funnee pikchur:
Kids should run the government. I'd be down with more princesses, magnets, and zoos.

Today I've actually been courageous and told people things! It's just that I don't want to regret anything down the road. And I found this quote:
"Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he
seeks in himself the courage of other persons." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
I almost forgot- I finally got bedding! It's just from Kohl's but whatevs. This is what it looks like:

Here's another picture. This is ingenious... Like really. Who thought of this? I'd buy it.

Well I'm going to go get rid of this blasted headache, so TTFN!
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