The facial expression of this hot tottie was mirrored on my face when I came upon this realization. Just imagine it.
Coming to Utah, I expected the native Utah'ns to say certain things. "Oh my heck", "oh my lanta", "the Nordstroms", "sull" (sale), etc. And that these things would never become part of my daily vocabulary. One thing I DID NOT expect was that the use of the word "super" would rub off on me. I find myself saying that things are "super fun", "super great", and even "super bad". I don't even know. But it's a sad state of affairs. *sigh*.
Also, I made a Twitter, so that just means I've gone off the deep end. I understand if this is shocking and/or upsetting to you, because it is to me.
Also, THIS:
Seeing as we're nearing Thanksgiving, I'd like to share a suggestion from my Book of Mormon class. My professor said to take a notecard and write down one thing you're grateful for. Obviously if you're a beast you'll be able to think of at least one zillion and write all of those down. Now with that list, you can remember to thank Heavenly Father for everything in your nightly prayer because you have a cheat sheet! I think it's pretty great. And for those of you who don't appreciate my incorporation of religion, the point is just to document the things that you're grateful for. I think we all can do that. One way that my hall has done that is with grateful chains. We have them around our door frames and they all connect to each other. It's really cool.
Here is my playlist for the moment:
Don't Move - Phantogram
Talking in Code - Margot and the Nuclear So and So's
Love Lost- The Temper Trap
As the Rush Comes (Gabriel & Dresden Chill Out Mix)- Motorcycle
Signs - Bloc Party
The Greatest Light is the Greatest Shade - The Joy Formidable
It's a pretty chill.
I hope you all have a "SUPER" great (smh...) Thanksgiving! I'm going to go see Matthew soon (if me ever gets here), so TTFN!
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