Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Oh hi. It's just me, being awkward in DC.

OH. MY. GOSH. Josh Groban is amazing. I just got back from his concert and he is JUST as amazing in real life as he is recorded (he's also hilarious)! And I have proof! I have a video of him singing "You Are Loved", which is one of the songs I wanted him to sing. The only other song he sang that was one I had gone in hoping to hear was "Weeping". And I've been trying to upload this video on to this post for like an hour now but it's taking too long :( I'll just provide a link to it on facebook sometime. Sorrryyyyy.

P.S. The opening act's name was Elew and he plays the piano BEAUTIFULLY. If you're into piano music, I would definitely check him out ( Not of the library).

Alright so I have some unfinished business to take care of. Remember my recommendation to visit the Shabby Apple website? CHANGED MY MIND. Dude, okay. I got the 2 dresses in the mail that I ordered and I wanted to be able to say "not too shabby!" but these dresses were SO SHABBY. Oh my goodness. Such poor quality. They were the cheapest material and weren't even lined. And the cute red belt that was supposed to come with my houndstooth dress ended up being a crappy piece of sweatshop pleather. For the price they're selling those dresses those things should have been WAY better. So I sent them back. I'm really sad that it didn't work out :/

Some of you may know that not too long ago I participated in Trek. If you're wondering about Trek, then here are some great articles about it:

The first one has a GREAT quote from Michael Stewart, and the second is more personal because the women's pull was a really tough experience and it talks about that.

Well I'm going to go reminisce about le concerto and pretend I know whatever language(s) I just tried to speak in. TTFN!

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