According to my calculations, the last of my Vicodin should have worn off around a half an hour ago. This is a good thing. Trust me. Since the extraction of my wisdom teeth, I've been in "La-la Land". For those of you who don't know what that is, let me show you:

Also, when I looked up "la la land" on Google, a lot of Demi Lovato stuff came up. I guess she has a song by that name. Anywho. I sort of threw up in my mouth. That is all.
OH I GUESS I SHOULD MENTION... I actually do like ONE Demi Lovato song. Your one saving grace, Demi. It's called "Catch Me" and it's really cute. You should listen to it even if you're mildly scared of the whole "Sonny With a Chance" scenario like I am.
Ugh. Wisdom teeth extraction. I feel like if I talk about this I'm going to lose my 2 followers. Because it was just a gross experience. Let's just sum this puppy up, shall we? I hate needles. Solution? Laughing gas until the IV is in. So everything is going great, right? Wow, not. I wake up from laughing gas and puke over my shoulder. I have now made a fantastic impression on these people. And then, the surgery starts. When I started to wake up and was still loopy apparently I cried for my mom. I even tried sign language on the poor doctors. Who knows WHAT I said in that half an hour of waking up. I'm just glad there were no cameras. Yeah, yeah. You wanted them there. Shush. And then I threw up once we got home. Reallllll smooth. I'm really sorry if this is a bad story. Should I stop? No? Okay. So then there's this piece of stitching hanging off my gum so I took scissors to it (blame it on the vi-i-o-i-o-i-codinnnnn) and accidentally pulled out the whole stitch. Really late at night. A midnight call to the 'ol doc confirmed that I would be fine. WOOOOOOO. Now I just have a huge hole in the back of my mouth! Next time you see me, look at it. I dare you. And oh, I almost passed out from pain and stuff on my bathroom floor but that's no biggie. All part of the wonderful wisdom teeth extraction experience. Look forward to it, young ones.
That was a long(ish) story. I apologize for your short attention spans. Need some ice for that burn? Actually, I could use some ice for my mouth.... huh. Anywho.
Just saying. That's a pretty good way to catch a crook.

Well I'm going to go tell some jokes and try to catch thieves, so TTYL!
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