Not every day can be a party, I suppose. But as I sit at home alone, sick, while my family is at the beach (come and get me pedos- NOT), I'm just really REALLY bored. To cure this boredom I have been watching Bones. Jenny Baker got me hooked when she showed me a couple episodes in her apartment at BYU last summer and since then I've watched every season up until Season 6. Which is like... now. So in the last 2 days I've been watching it online and OH MY GOSH. Guys, this show is DA BOMB. Like fo rullz. And yes, the picture up top is of the cast. If you're ever bored, watch this show. DO ITTTTTTTT.
Okee sew naow eye'm gewing tew tak liek thees. Eye hope yew can reed eet.
ALRIGHTY. This is a picture I found on fatpita. Because I am a fat pita. This woman truly knows what's important in life. Fried chicken and hairdryers <3

Music for the day: Props to Matthew to sending me this link. Live stream of Fleet Foxes as we speak!
Movies: My life sucks because I've been too sick to see Harry Potter BUT I saw MegaMind today. I had very, very low expectations. But it's actually pretty funny! If you're ever forced to watch something with your siblings, I'd reccommend this :)
I'm going to go watch Kendall play with a plastic pickle. TTFN!
she doesnt have any hair to dry.... -kendall
ReplyDeletebut she's certainly been diggin that chicken