Tuesday, October 25, 2011

a not-so-urgent update.

Disclaimer: I might have a picture or two from some friends' blogs. Be flattered?

Halloween is fast approaching, and I don't have a costume. I don't really want one, but I suppose I need one for all of these Halloween activities on and off campus. The thing is... I just don't like Halloween. I don't understand the appeal in celebrating creepiness. Don't get me wrong, I'll accept your candy, but you won't see me decorating my room or watching scary movie marathons. It's just... gross. Sorry, Halloween. We just can't be friends.

If I could be someone from Napoleon Dynamite, I might be happy. Favorite picture of all time right here:


Sometimes I try to keep you guys up to date on what's happening in the world. You're welcome:

*Sigh*. Oh, BYU. I'm not going to rant about it. Actually, I've almost mastered getting to my classes without a map. Almost. Halfway through the semester and I'm still lost. It's chill. Maybe they should just stop naming every building J_B. Just a suggestion.

One thing I very much enjoy about this campus is the Jamba Juice. Every Tuesday and Thursday at 12:55 (right after dance class) I go to Jamba Juice and say "the usual". Priceless. It's pink star, if you wanted to know. So freaking tasty.


Whoever you are, I'm sure this applies to you.

Now it's music time! (:

I found most of these thanks to Pandora <3 :

Lovers In Japan (Osaka Sun Mix) - Coldplay

North by North - Faded Paper Figures

Bambi - Tokyo Police Club

Mornin' - Star Slinger

Block After Block (Echoes Remix) - Matt & Kim

And now, I must tell you about my new favorite band. They're called Givers. Please go listen to them. The music video for "Up Up Up" is way cool, and that song is the most "mainstream", for those who don't appreciate my weird music taste (sadface).

Speaking of weird, here's a weird thought: in less than 2 weeks, I'll be 19. Uhm... I feel like I turned 17 like 5 seconds ago. Rewind?

I'm going to go skype with my portfolio (I want some of it sent out to me for my b-day), so TTFN!

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