Wednesday, August 24, 2011

BYU Tomorrow.

Tomorrow I'm moving in to my home away from home... BYU. It's what I've wanted all my life. I know that. But right now all I can think about is everything I'm leaving behind. My family, my friends, my ward, my room, and basically everything I call "mine". I've said my goodbyes to my friends, packed up my room, my ward doesn't even realize I'm gone so whatever, and I threw away or donated most of my posessions. WHY IS EVERYONE SO EXCITED FOR COLLEGE? Why is everyone SO ready to throw away the lives that they know for a SCHOOL? Education is great, but can we bring BYU to VA or something? I'd really like to go back there and pretend this whole "leaving for college" thing never happened. And I'd kind of like my room back too. That one with the pre-teen bedding and the doll collection? Yeah that one.

I know college will be fun. On the other hand, I know it'll be one of the hardest transitions I'll ever make. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Stolen From the Birthday Girl

So tonight I'm reblogging some things my friend Amanda posted on her tumblr, (check it out, it's HILARIOUS). And how appropriate. It's her birthday! Kind of. I mean technically it just ended at midnight but let's pretend. I mean when you turn 18, the party just doesn't stop... Alright. On to the pics!


Le caption: The whole thugwarts gang, HPiddy, RWizzle, Hoemoanee, Dumbledawg, Malthug, The half blood pimp and he who should not rap.

Someone please do this...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMANDA! I love you and can't wait to see you again!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I got the pics off my phone- I just bluetoothed them to my dad and he emailed them to me. YAY. Here they are:

Averi sticking her tongue out. She flicked it from side to side when Mikey or I would do it- she just imitated. It was so funny.

Averi and I! This is my phone background.


Sunday, August 14, 2011


These past few days have been really exciting. On Friday I went to my cousin's wedding reception, and it was great to see my cousins and to have a change of scenery. But my favorite thing was seeing my cousin's daughter Averi! If you know me you know I love me some Averi. I always got in trouble in Statistics class for being on my cousin Tiffany's blog about her, . I would seriously check it every Statistics class. That was me breaking the rules right there. Ahahaha. But seriously, Averi is THE cutest kid EVARRR. She has Down Syndrome, and come on. Cutest DS baby ever? Award would go to her hands down. And she just got done with chemo for leukemia, yet she never stops smiling! She is just so great. I love her to death, and I wrote about her in one of my college essays because she's one of the reasons I want to teach Special Education. I took a couple pictures of her on my phone, but there's just no way I can get them up here so you'll just have to check out the blog to see her cute little face.

Oh. This reminds me. Seeing as I'm so set on this "Special Education" route, I decided to start getting informed. So the other night I watched a documentary on autism. After around an hour it started getting dull but the first hour was pretty interesting. I really enjoyed some of the interviews with autistic people because it showed how smart they can be. They also shot down a lot of misconceptions and introduced medical theories I was previously unaware of. My favorite line? "If you've met one autistic person, you've met one autistic person". This is the movie's website. It's called "Loving Lampposts".

And now, my adoring fans, I shall show you the best proposal ever.

YEAH. IT'S FRIGGIN AWESOME. One of the best experiences of my life, hands down. So, so amazing. I never imagined it would be so great(:

SO. I'm going to go reflect on how awesome these past few days have been. TTFN!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Stained Hands


Phantom Limb - The Shins

Welcome Home - Radical Face

Where I Stood - Missy Higgins

Good Scriptures:

2 Chronicles 15:7

"Be ye strong therefore, and let not your hands be weak: for your work shall be rewarded."

Hebrews 2: 9, 18

"But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man."

"For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succour them that are tempted."

D&C 132: 21-22

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, except ye abide my law ye cannot attain to this glory.

For strait is the gate, and narrow is the way that leadeth unto the exaltation and continuation of the lices, and few be it that find it, because ye receive me not in the world neither do ye know me."

Also, D&C 9:7-9 is good.

Oh, and I forgot. "Kids (MGMT Cover)" by The Kooks is SO GOOD. Thanks for the recommendation, Maffew.

I tie dyed on Tuesday. My hands got stained. Oops... Oh and my feet looked diseased because they were speckled with blue and green. Lovely. The good news is that my shirt didn't turn out inapropro like last year. HAHAHA. Oh gosh. That shirt is a disaster. I would take pictures of both shirts BUT my webcam isn't working. On my new computer. Thanks, Mr. Computer.

I'm going to go to a wedding reception tomorrow but never fear, I'll be back Saturday. TTFN!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Artsy Fartsy


It Don't Move Me - Peter Bjorn and John

It's Not My Fault (It's My Fault) - Discovery

Mexican Mavis - Boy & Bear

Moth's Wings - Passion Pit


(It's a slideshow... just use your arrow keys. I love that Lykke Li and Ellie Goulding are in this.)

And also. I found some "Fashion Click"s from and they're really cute. I love the collars and little-kid feel on the first two, and I think that the mix of the baggy shirt with a short puffy skirt on the third one is kind of perfect.

A little update on my "courage" that I spoke of yesterday- it totally paid off. Today was full of win. So, so full of win. I would highly recommend this "courage" thing. Soooo I'm going to go pretend I'm artsy fartsy - TTFN!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Funnee Pikchurs

Good news! The internet is fixed! Yusssssssssss.

So today the guy who plays Joseph Smith in the new movie spoke in a fireside. I got his autograph... Hahahaha. Brother Johnson was like "Girls, realize that he's married. And his brother is going on his mission". And we were alllll "Awwww man!" except not. But he's cool. I told him I'd see him at BYU. Because I will. It was a great fireside. I'm excited to see this movie. Oh and here, you can read about it. Dustin is indeed the man I met. Be jealous.

Heer ees a funnee pikchur:Kids should run the government. I'd be down with more princesses, magnets, and zoos.

Today I've actually been courageous and told people things! It's just that I don't want to regret anything down the road. And I found this quote:

"Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he
seeks in himself the courage of other persons." -Ralph Waldo Emerson


I almost forgot- I finally got bedding! It's just from Kohl's but whatevs. This is what it looks like:

Here's another picture. This is ingenious... Like really. Who thought of this? I'd buy it.

Well I'm going to go get rid of this blasted headache, so TTFN!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

No, But Really.

No but really.


1. Acceptable college bedding does NOT exist. It's either on backorder, ugly, or too expensive. I may be sleeping in my sleeping bag this semester.

2. "The Beat" by Ben Rector never gets old. SUCH a good song. And listen to the rest of that album! Do it.

3. Staying up until 4 AM makes it kind of hard to function. Huh.

SO is anyone else getting excited for college? YEAH I KNOW RIGHT? Butreallyi'msoready. LEGGO BYU. So I went to my first Institute class yesterday! Brother Toma taught it and it was really great. Even WITH a random topic like animal sacrifices! Leviticus 1-10 was the reading. And it was cool how that stuff all relates to the sacrament. Hopefully my Religions teacher at BYU is as cool as Brother Toma. He's the bomb.

This butt slasher business is totes ridic. For those of you who don't know about the butt slasher... well here read about it:

And yeah it's funny to read about but I ain't steppin' foot in no malls until they catch this guy. My butt is an asset, some pun intended...(:

Fashion biz-nish: In TeenVogue today I read about Voguepedia which is this site with great bios on designers and links to everything fashion, etc. My Fashion Marketing teacher made me appreciate the background of designers. It's so interesting to find out how they achieved their success. Here's info. about Carolina Herrera, a designer that stays true to classic silhouettes, which is why I like her (look at the Spring 2009 RTW collection esp).

Ever since our power outage the internet only works on a couple of computers and sadly, mine isn't one of them. I'll be back to regular blogging soon, but this computer just isn't cut out for my blogging. Until then, I'm going to go have a midnight snack at 2 AM. TTFN!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Photography = Life

Today I sorted through all my magazines that I go through to get pictures for my fashion book. My fashion book is just a notebook full of stuff I liked from magazines that I cut and pasted. It's almost full. In one of the magazines someone said that Ann He's photos of flowers inspired her to wear florals this past Spring. And the picture was really cool! It's actually the second to last one here. So I looked up Ann He and she's a 16 year old fashion photographer, which I think is wonderful. I looked through her photos online and here are my favorites! Gorgeous.

MUSIC TIME! So someone blogged about this song and I absolutely fell in love. I've listened to it like 10 times already today. That's nothing compared to how many times Molly Baker listens to songs but STILL (I love you Molly...).

Go listen. Now. Yes. Now.

I'm on kind of a photography nostalgia high after talking to my friend Calli last night who I used to do photography with, so here's more photography! One of my favorite things to take pictures of is flowers and I found these super pretty pics online :

#realtalk time! Today I'll go with 3:

  1. People TOTALLY take advantage of their work. Ok, so my dad's been on a few business trips lately and when he or his coworkers need clothes for their meetings or whatever their boss will just let them go buy things and the company will pay for it. It's common practice apparently. But here's where it gets annoying. My dad just went to where he normally shops- TJ Maxx or something like that. But his coworkers decided to take advantage of the situation and buy SUPER expensive clothes from high end stores that they normally would never step foot in! It's just sad how standards are declining. So, so sad :(

  2. Getting rid of my old toys is like getting rid of my BFFs. You've all cried during Toy Story 3, so shush. Maybe I should get a job at McDonald's so I can stay home and keep my toys. That would be the life, eh? Ahahaha.

  3. The Hunger Games are ridiculously good books. I don't like how they act like killing people is no big deal in the last book but besides that they are masterpieces. And have you guys heard that they're turning it into a MOVIE? I'm honestly superscared. If they mess it up, I'll cry in my room for DAYS. Or not, but still. It'd be tragic. I just have a picture in my head of what it's supposed to be and what it's supposed to look like, and if they take it away I don't know if I'll think of the series the same way. And I don't want that to happen.

What SAD #realtalk today, eh? Side note though: I'm sorry if my religious references are offensive but I'm going to keep including them and they're not going to be subtle- not that they were subtle before... Hahaha. True story, guys. Keep reading, though! ;)

So I'm going to go creep it real (medfred <3) so TTFN!