Tuesday, December 27, 2011


This dress (yes I am aware it's a wedding dress... pfft):These 3 Facebook fails:

This picture for my nerdy math friends... which I have:

This small Asian child:

This panorama of Paris:


This necklace:

This quote:

"Along your pathway of life you will observe that you are not the only
traveler. There are others who need your help. There are feet to steady, hands to grasp, minds to encourage, hearts to inspire, and souls to save."

-Thomas S. Monson

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Lots of Pictures.

Greetings. Today I will be sharing a plethora of pictures because I am currently addicted to http://iwastesomuchtime.com/ and http://www.stumbleupon.com/su. Be prepared.

^Alright, so the facebook = procrastination thing is a little old, but the others are funnee.
^ I <3 MEAT

^ Let's go.

^ Worst. Day. Ever.
^ FOR TRUE (no typo there).

^ Tangled, much?

And now, here's a good song:

Here's the best video of my entire life:

I'm not kidding. This video is BREATHTAKING.

Oh, and a funny/cool video, of course:

Sewwwwww. What's new with me? School = STRESS. I shall not speak of it. Instead, here are some things you probably didn't know about me:

- I've just started to help out with this thing called "The Vineyard" where I get to translate church materials from English into German. Soup-er kewl.

- Sometimes... I listen to rap. And I like it.

- I've eaten a kids chocolate brownie Clif bar almost every day for the past few years. I ate one for lunch every day - at least in my last 2 years of high school. I'm addicted.

- I don't like talking about myself, so we're done here.

Fantastic. So insightful.

And now, I'm going to go see what the deal with room swaps is (I'm moving down the hall). TTFN!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thanksgiving and Such

Hey there.

I guess Thanksgiving is coming up. And some of us will be eating pie. Now I can pretend that this picture is applicable:

Today, I got an actionsampler camera in the mail. Surprise! Late birthday present from the parentals! It was FANTASTIC. This camera take four sequential frames on one photo. So you move the camera around or you just take a picture of someone in action and by pressing the shutter button once, it'll give you four different shots all on the same picture. I'm so pumped to use it. By the way, this is 35mm film material. Not some digital nonsense. I roll deep.

Here's another mindblowing picture (I actually really want to try this at the Canc):

The facial expression of this hot tottie was mirrored on my face when I came upon this realization. Just imagine it.
Coming to Utah, I expected the native Utah'ns to say certain things. "Oh my heck", "oh my lanta", "the Nordstroms", "sull" (sale), etc. And that these things would never become part of my daily vocabulary. One thing I DID NOT expect was that the use of the word "super" would rub off on me. I find myself saying that things are "super fun", "super great", and even "super bad". I don't even know. But it's a sad state of affairs. *sigh*.
Also, I made a Twitter, so that just means I've gone off the deep end. I understand if this is shocking and/or upsetting to you, because it is to me.

Also, THIS:
Seeing as we're nearing Thanksgiving, I'd like to share a suggestion from my Book of Mormon class. My professor said to take a notecard and write down one thing you're grateful for. Obviously if you're a beast you'll be able to think of at least one zillion and write all of those down. Now with that list, you can remember to thank Heavenly Father for everything in your nightly prayer because you have a cheat sheet! I think it's pretty great. And for those of you who don't appreciate my incorporation of religion, the point is just to document the things that you're grateful for. I think we all can do that. One way that my hall has done that is with grateful chains. We have them around our door frames and they all connect to each other. It's really cool.
Here is my playlist for the moment:
Don't Move - Phantogram
Talking in Code - Margot and the Nuclear So and So's
Love Lost- The Temper Trap
As the Rush Comes (Gabriel & Dresden Chill Out Mix)- Motorcycle
Signs - Bloc Party
The Greatest Light is the Greatest Shade - The Joy Formidable
It's a pretty chill.
I hope you all have a "SUPER" great (smh...) Thanksgiving! I'm going to go see Matthew soon (if me ever gets here), so TTFN!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

a not-so-urgent update.

Disclaimer: I might have a picture or two from some friends' blogs. Be flattered?

Halloween is fast approaching, and I don't have a costume. I don't really want one, but I suppose I need one for all of these Halloween activities on and off campus. The thing is... I just don't like Halloween. I don't understand the appeal in celebrating creepiness. Don't get me wrong, I'll accept your candy, but you won't see me decorating my room or watching scary movie marathons. It's just... gross. Sorry, Halloween. We just can't be friends.

If I could be someone from Napoleon Dynamite, I might be happy. Favorite picture of all time right here:


Sometimes I try to keep you guys up to date on what's happening in the world. You're welcome:

*Sigh*. Oh, BYU. I'm not going to rant about it. Actually, I've almost mastered getting to my classes without a map. Almost. Halfway through the semester and I'm still lost. It's chill. Maybe they should just stop naming every building J_B. Just a suggestion.

One thing I very much enjoy about this campus is the Jamba Juice. Every Tuesday and Thursday at 12:55 (right after dance class) I go to Jamba Juice and say "the usual". Priceless. It's pink star, if you wanted to know. So freaking tasty.


Whoever you are, I'm sure this applies to you.

Now it's music time! (:

I found most of these thanks to Pandora <3 :

Lovers In Japan (Osaka Sun Mix) - Coldplay

North by North - Faded Paper Figures

Bambi - Tokyo Police Club

Mornin' - Star Slinger

Block After Block (Echoes Remix) - Matt & Kim

And now, I must tell you about my new favorite band. They're called Givers. Please go listen to them. The music video for "Up Up Up" is way cool, and that song is the most "mainstream", for those who don't appreciate my weird music taste (sadface).

Speaking of weird, here's a weird thought: in less than 2 weeks, I'll be 19. Uhm... I feel like I turned 17 like 5 seconds ago. Rewind?

I'm going to go skype with my portfolio (I want some of it sent out to me for my b-day), so TTFN!

Monday, October 10, 2011

It's Been a While...

I realize it's been almost 2 months since I've last posted. I do. BYU is CRAYSEEEE though. And it's not just because American Heritage is the worst class known to man. There's just so much going on here, but never at the right times. I either have to sit in my dorm bored or choose between 2 or 3 super fun things on campus. Also, the people here are confusing. I don't know if they're being fake or just don't care enough to get to know me, but I feel like as soon as I get close to being really good friends with somebody they just... disappear. And it's hard to find time for everyone back home, but if that's you please don't think it's because I don't care! Seriously, I miss y'all. So for all of you wanting an update on BYU, that's about it (besides schoolwork- I mean, that's going to suck. Just assume :P Though World Dance is pretty fun!).

In the past couple days there have been videos and posts and all this stuff about how Mormons aren't Christians. But listen. Our name is "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints". We have Christ in our name. Come now. I tried clearing this up on facebook, but I also feel like it's good that our church is getting attention from the media. It will give members a chance to clear things up for people and explain more about who we are.

My birthday's coming up in a little less than a month. I'm not trying to remind everyone about it- that's annoying. But I did want to say that I asked for a typewriter. A legit, old, typewriter. That's not to say I'll for sure get one, but it'd be super cool if I did. I've ALWAYS wanted one.

I miss photography! I had to leave my portfolio at home, and I've only done one photoshoot since I've been here. And though taking pictures of flowers is pretty legit, I really want to take pictures of people. And I miss my manual camera, film and all, and even the smell of the darkroom chemicals. Digital is great, but there's just something about developing and printing my own pictures.

Speaking of pictures, I haven't posted one yet! Usually I do. So here's one. It's fun. Well, "cute", I guess. Yeahyeahyeah.

Before I go, I MUST list my music faves of right now. Hurrrr they be:

What the Water Gave Me - Florence + the Machine

Paradise - Coldplay

Nothing (edited version) - Young Man

After Midnight - Blink-182

Ghost Towns - Radical Face

Well, I'm going to go bum it up, so TTFN!

Friday, September 2, 2011


My first blog post from BYU.

I've been putting this off for a WHILE.

I don't like putting sad posts up or anything. So I'll keep the sad stuff short. College is just as bad as I thought it would be, but it's also a lot different than I thought. It's a lot harder for me to make friends than I anticipated, but it's easier to meet people too. Sure I can walk up to someone and introduce myself, but after that neither of us will remember the other's name and we'll both have awkward lives. I mean, I try to

but sometimes, it just doesn't work like that.

Anyway. We all know how I feel about college. Now for some fun stuff. I put pictures up on my shelf. HOW FUN IS THAT?

It's totally fun, don't lie.

Uhm... Oh. And I like this picture.

Music time? I'm thinking yes. Here are two great covers of "Kids" by MGMT:



Look up this website. Just do it. PLEASE.


Utah Baby Names. Classic. Some personal favorites: Bridger A-10, Speedy Esther, and Vernal Independence. These are all real names. Best believe. Comment what you would name your kids if you so desire.

So, I'm going to go attempt attempting homework. TTFN!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

BYU Tomorrow.

Tomorrow I'm moving in to my home away from home... BYU. It's what I've wanted all my life. I know that. But right now all I can think about is everything I'm leaving behind. My family, my friends, my ward, my room, and basically everything I call "mine". I've said my goodbyes to my friends, packed up my room, my ward doesn't even realize I'm gone so whatever, and I threw away or donated most of my posessions. WHY IS EVERYONE SO EXCITED FOR COLLEGE? Why is everyone SO ready to throw away the lives that they know for a SCHOOL? Education is great, but can we bring BYU to VA or something? I'd really like to go back there and pretend this whole "leaving for college" thing never happened. And I'd kind of like my room back too. That one with the pre-teen bedding and the doll collection? Yeah that one.

I know college will be fun. On the other hand, I know it'll be one of the hardest transitions I'll ever make. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Stolen From the Birthday Girl

So tonight I'm reblogging some things my friend Amanda posted on her tumblr, http://vintagepiano.tumblr.com/ (check it out, it's HILARIOUS). And how appropriate. It's her birthday! Kind of. I mean technically it just ended at midnight but let's pretend. I mean when you turn 18, the party just doesn't stop... Alright. On to the pics!


Le caption: The whole thugwarts gang, HPiddy, RWizzle, Hoemoanee, Dumbledawg, Malthug, The half blood pimp and he who should not rap.

Someone please do this...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMANDA! I love you and can't wait to see you again!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I got the pics off my phone- I just bluetoothed them to my dad and he emailed them to me. YAY. Here they are:

Averi sticking her tongue out. She flicked it from side to side when Mikey or I would do it- she just imitated. It was so funny.

Averi and I! This is my phone background.


Sunday, August 14, 2011


These past few days have been really exciting. On Friday I went to my cousin's wedding reception, and it was great to see my cousins and to have a change of scenery. But my favorite thing was seeing my cousin's daughter Averi! If you know me you know I love me some Averi. I always got in trouble in Statistics class for being on my cousin Tiffany's blog about her, http://shesnotdown.blogspot.com/ . I would seriously check it every Statistics class. That was me breaking the rules right there. Ahahaha. But seriously, Averi is THE cutest kid EVARRR. She has Down Syndrome, and come on. Cutest DS baby ever? Award would go to her hands down. And she just got done with chemo for leukemia, yet she never stops smiling! She is just so great. I love her to death, and I wrote about her in one of my college essays because she's one of the reasons I want to teach Special Education. I took a couple pictures of her on my phone, but there's just no way I can get them up here so you'll just have to check out the blog to see her cute little face.

Oh. This reminds me. Seeing as I'm so set on this "Special Education" route, I decided to start getting informed. So the other night I watched a documentary on autism. After around an hour it started getting dull but the first hour was pretty interesting. I really enjoyed some of the interviews with autistic people because it showed how smart they can be. They also shot down a lot of misconceptions and introduced medical theories I was previously unaware of. My favorite line? "If you've met one autistic person, you've met one autistic person". This is the movie's website. It's called "Loving Lampposts". http://lovinglamppostsmovie.com/

And now, my adoring fans, I shall show you the best proposal ever.

YEAH. IT'S FRIGGIN AWESOME. One of the best experiences of my life, hands down. So, so amazing. I never imagined it would be so great(:

SO. I'm going to go reflect on how awesome these past few days have been. TTFN!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Stained Hands


Phantom Limb - The Shins

Welcome Home - Radical Face

Where I Stood - Missy Higgins

Good Scriptures:

2 Chronicles 15:7

"Be ye strong therefore, and let not your hands be weak: for your work shall be rewarded."

Hebrews 2: 9, 18

"But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man."

"For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succour them that are tempted."

D&C 132: 21-22

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, except ye abide my law ye cannot attain to this glory.

For strait is the gate, and narrow is the way that leadeth unto the exaltation and continuation of the lices, and few be it that find it, because ye receive me not in the world neither do ye know me."

Also, D&C 9:7-9 is good.

Oh, and I forgot. "Kids (MGMT Cover)" by The Kooks is SO GOOD. Thanks for the recommendation, Maffew.

I tie dyed on Tuesday. My hands got stained. Oops... Oh and my feet looked diseased because they were speckled with blue and green. Lovely. The good news is that my shirt didn't turn out inapropro like last year. HAHAHA. Oh gosh. That shirt is a disaster. I would take pictures of both shirts BUT my webcam isn't working. On my new computer. Thanks, Mr. Computer.

I'm going to go to a wedding reception tomorrow but never fear, I'll be back Saturday. TTFN!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Artsy Fartsy


It Don't Move Me - Peter Bjorn and John

It's Not My Fault (It's My Fault) - Discovery

Mexican Mavis - Boy & Bear

Moth's Wings - Passion Pit


(It's a slideshow... just use your arrow keys. I love that Lykke Li and Ellie Goulding are in this.)

And also. I found some "Fashion Click"s from TeenVogue.com and they're really cute. I love the collars and little-kid feel on the first two, and I think that the mix of the baggy shirt with a short puffy skirt on the third one is kind of perfect.

A little update on my "courage" that I spoke of yesterday- it totally paid off. Today was full of win. So, so full of win. I would highly recommend this "courage" thing. Soooo I'm going to go pretend I'm artsy fartsy - TTFN!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Funnee Pikchurs

Good news! The internet is fixed! Yusssssssssss.

So today the guy who plays Joseph Smith in the new movie spoke in a fireside. I got his autograph... Hahahaha. Brother Johnson was like "Girls, realize that he's married. And his brother is going on his mission". And we were alllll "Awwww man!" except not. But he's cool. I told him I'd see him at BYU. Because I will. It was a great fireside. I'm excited to see this movie. Oh and here, you can read about it. Dustin is indeed the man I met. Be jealous.

Heer ees a funnee pikchur:Kids should run the government. I'd be down with more princesses, magnets, and zoos.

Today I've actually been courageous and told people things! It's just that I don't want to regret anything down the road. And I found this quote:

"Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he
seeks in himself the courage of other persons." -Ralph Waldo Emerson


I almost forgot- I finally got bedding! It's just from Kohl's but whatevs. This is what it looks like:

Here's another picture. This is ingenious... Like really. Who thought of this? I'd buy it.

Well I'm going to go get rid of this blasted headache, so TTFN!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

No, But Really.

No but really.


1. Acceptable college bedding does NOT exist. It's either on backorder, ugly, or too expensive. I may be sleeping in my sleeping bag this semester.

2. "The Beat" by Ben Rector never gets old. SUCH a good song. And listen to the rest of that album! Do it.

3. Staying up until 4 AM makes it kind of hard to function. Huh.

SO is anyone else getting excited for college? YEAH I KNOW RIGHT? Butreallyi'msoready. LEGGO BYU. So I went to my first Institute class yesterday! Brother Toma taught it and it was really great. Even WITH a random topic like animal sacrifices! Leviticus 1-10 was the reading. And it was cool how that stuff all relates to the sacrament. Hopefully my Religions teacher at BYU is as cool as Brother Toma. He's the bomb.

This butt slasher business is totes ridic. For those of you who don't know about the butt slasher... well here read about it:

And yeah it's funny to read about but I ain't steppin' foot in no malls until they catch this guy. My butt is an asset, some pun intended...(:

Fashion biz-nish: In TeenVogue today I read about Voguepedia which is this site with great bios on designers and links to everything fashion, etc. My Fashion Marketing teacher made me appreciate the background of designers. It's so interesting to find out how they achieved their success. Here's info. about Carolina Herrera, a designer that stays true to classic silhouettes, which is why I like her (look at the Spring 2009 RTW collection esp).


Ever since our power outage the internet only works on a couple of computers and sadly, mine isn't one of them. I'll be back to regular blogging soon, but this computer just isn't cut out for my blogging. Until then, I'm going to go have a midnight snack at 2 AM. TTFN!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Photography = Life

Today I sorted through all my magazines that I go through to get pictures for my fashion book. My fashion book is just a notebook full of stuff I liked from magazines that I cut and pasted. It's almost full. In one of the magazines someone said that Ann He's photos of flowers inspired her to wear florals this past Spring. And the picture was really cool! It's actually the second to last one here. So I looked up Ann He and she's a 16 year old fashion photographer, which I think is wonderful. I looked through her photos online and here are my favorites! Gorgeous.

MUSIC TIME! So someone blogged about this song and I absolutely fell in love. I've listened to it like 10 times already today. That's nothing compared to how many times Molly Baker listens to songs but STILL (I love you Molly...).

Go listen. Now. Yes. Now.

I'm on kind of a photography nostalgia high after talking to my friend Calli last night who I used to do photography with, so here's more photography! One of my favorite things to take pictures of is flowers and I found these super pretty pics online : http://www.digital-photography-school.com/41-delicious-flower-photographs

#realtalk time! Today I'll go with 3:

  1. People TOTALLY take advantage of their work. Ok, so my dad's been on a few business trips lately and when he or his coworkers need clothes for their meetings or whatever their boss will just let them go buy things and the company will pay for it. It's common practice apparently. But here's where it gets annoying. My dad just went to where he normally shops- TJ Maxx or something like that. But his coworkers decided to take advantage of the situation and buy SUPER expensive clothes from high end stores that they normally would never step foot in! It's just sad how standards are declining. So, so sad :(

  2. Getting rid of my old toys is like getting rid of my BFFs. You've all cried during Toy Story 3, so shush. Maybe I should get a job at McDonald's so I can stay home and keep my toys. That would be the life, eh? Ahahaha.

  3. The Hunger Games are ridiculously good books. I don't like how they act like killing people is no big deal in the last book but besides that they are masterpieces. And have you guys heard that they're turning it into a MOVIE? I'm honestly superscared. If they mess it up, I'll cry in my room for DAYS. Or not, but still. It'd be tragic. I just have a picture in my head of what it's supposed to be and what it's supposed to look like, and if they take it away I don't know if I'll think of the series the same way. And I don't want that to happen.

What SAD #realtalk today, eh? Side note though: I'm sorry if my religious references are offensive but I'm going to keep including them and they're not going to be subtle- not that they were subtle before... Hahaha. True story, guys. Keep reading, though! ;)

So I'm going to go creep it real (medfred <3) so TTFN!

Sunday, July 31, 2011


I joke about posting more serious posts, but I think this time it's for real.

I started a blog because I was bored, but I think a little part of me hoped that this would be a place where I could release my thoughts. So here are my 10 thoughts on life lately:

1. Navy and black do not mix. Ever.

2. People with strange addictions make amusing television.

  • "I'm addicted to taxidermy" (finding dead animals in the woods and stuffing them. Mmm.)

  • "I'm addicted to being a baby" (it was a transgender sleeping in a crib and wetting diapers)

  • "I'm addicted to eating rocks" (760 pounds a year to be exact)

  • "I'm addicted to eating drywall" (raised by termites much?)

  • "I'm addicted to stuffed animals" (they're my CHILDREN!!! Of COURSE they go everywhere I go!)

3. Prayer WORKS. Man oh man does it work. So many miracles have occured lately because of prayer!

4. Poetry is more legit than I thought. It's not just something you're forced to analyze in English class. For the first time since Shel Silverstein I've read poetry and it's just as amazing as the lyrics I'm always obsessing over.

5. Dress shopping sucks. Everything is just ONE INCH too short. Come one people, just make dresses a little longer! Also, if I could dress the world it would be a better place, just saying. But then, we wouldn't have peopleofwalmart.com.... Oh dear. This tradeoff is very concerning.

6. People who say they'll keep in contact after high school... don't. I now understand life. And I wish I didn't. I want to go back to my idealistic view that everyone who I mattered to then would still think that I matter now.

7. The summer after high school and before college is AWKWARD. I'm invited to Young Womens, Young Single Adult, AND Relief Society activities. I'm having an identity crisis here! I don't belong anywhere! It's a weird feeling not knowing where to go on Sundays. I have a feeling that no matter where I go I'll feel out of place though.

8. Rationalizing is a bad, bad thing. We had a lesson in Young Womens today about repentance and we talked about how sinning with the thought that "oh, I'll just repent of that later" is SUCH a destructive path to go down. I remember when I first had that thought. No one had introduced me to it, I just thought it. And once I did I had a strange feeling that it wouldn't be right. I sooned learned that it wasn't right, and I'm so glad I did. The lesson said it's much harder to repent for that type of sin. So I got to thinking about rationalizing. And how much I do it. How much we all must do it. And how incredibly hard it is to recognize that you're doing it. But also how much it can hurt. From now on I'm going to be on rationalization patrol. Wish me luck! ;)

9. "Where I Stood" by Missy Higgins is a BEAUTIFUL song.

10. Good friends are hard to find. I have some <3

And in honor of one of them, Matthew Frederickson, this post shall be called #realtalk. Ahahah(:

So. Give me some feedback! If you dig my #realtalk mixed in here, tell me! And if you want me to stick to funny pictures and witty posting, tell me that as well! I'm open for suggestions(:

I'm going to go keep it real, so TTFN!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Oh hi. It's just me, being awkward in DC.

OH. MY. GOSH. Josh Groban is amazing. I just got back from his concert and he is JUST as amazing in real life as he is recorded (he's also hilarious)! And I have proof! I have a video of him singing "You Are Loved", which is one of the songs I wanted him to sing. The only other song he sang that was one I had gone in hoping to hear was "Weeping". And I've been trying to upload this video on to this post for like an hour now but it's taking too long :( I'll just provide a link to it on facebook sometime. Sorrryyyyy.

P.S. The opening act's name was Elew and he plays the piano BEAUTIFULLY. If you're into piano music, I would definitely check him out (...no. Not of the library).

Alright so I have some unfinished business to take care of. Remember my recommendation to visit the Shabby Apple website? CHANGED MY MIND. Dude, okay. I got the 2 dresses in the mail that I ordered and I wanted to be able to say "not too shabby!" but these dresses were SO SHABBY. Oh my goodness. Such poor quality. They were the cheapest material and weren't even lined. And the cute red belt that was supposed to come with my houndstooth dress ended up being a crappy piece of sweatshop pleather. For the price they're selling those dresses those things should have been WAY better. So I sent them back. I'm really sad that it didn't work out :/

Some of you may know that not too long ago I participated in Trek. If you're wondering about Trek, then here are some great articles about it:



The first one has a GREAT quote from Michael Stewart, and the second is more personal because the women's pull was a really tough experience and it talks about that.

Well I'm going to go reminisce about le concerto and pretend I know whatever language(s) I just tried to speak in. TTFN!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

On a More Serious Note...

I know my blog posts have thus far encompassed a lighter tone, but it's time to get serious. Real friends are hard to find. Example A:

Best believe it. And also:

I'm not saying a friend did this, but it's still serious as heck.

Sew tewday I have some TRE exciting news. Mi madre, Jessie, and I are going to see Josh Groban in concert tomorrow! I don't know how my dad swung these tickets (his work has a box at the Verizon Center so we get these tickets free but they're not easy to get), but I'm sure glad he did! Here are a few Josh Groban songs that I enjoy and that I hope he sings tomorrow:

Remember When it Rained


In Her Eyes

So She Dances

After being at home for 2 weeks I am READY for something out of the ordinary like a concert to get me out of the house and cheer me up!

I KNOW I JUST TALKED MUSIC BUT OH EM GOSH. Listen. I'm not a hard core rap lover. Far from it. But Chiddy Bang... Mmph. Finding those couple clean raps he has up his sleeve paired with the most amazing beats & music made me appreciate rap so much. Right now I'm OBSESSED with these songs:

All Things Go

Mind Your Manners


Opposite of Adults

Note: Find the clean versions. They exist! Though, for Mind Your Manners I could only find a version with one of the 2 curse words bleeped out. Just for your fyi (ahahaha people actually say this... true story).

I know this is short. Don't hate me... (: I'm going to go pop some pills (that's all I seem to be doing these days). TTFN!

Friday, July 22, 2011

La-la Land

According to my calculations, the last of my Vicodin should have worn off around a half an hour ago. This is a good thing. Trust me. Since the extraction of my wisdom teeth, I've been in "La-la Land". For those of you who don't know what that is, let me show you:

Oh, why yes children, here it is! La-la Land. It's obviously where an Asian couple runs around in a field of gigantic lollipops with random birds flying about. And that's where I've been for the past few days, in case you were wondering. Which you obviously were.

Also, when I looked up "la la land" on Google, a lot of Demi Lovato stuff came up. I guess she has a song by that name. Anywho. I sort of threw up in my mouth. That is all.

OH I GUESS I SHOULD MENTION... I actually do like ONE Demi Lovato song. Your one saving grace, Demi. It's called "Catch Me" and it's really cute. You should listen to it even if you're mildly scared of the whole "Sonny With a Chance" scenario like I am.

Ugh. Wisdom teeth extraction. I feel like if I talk about this I'm going to lose my 2 followers. Because it was just a gross experience. Let's just sum this puppy up, shall we? I hate needles. Solution? Laughing gas until the IV is in. So everything is going great, right? Wow, not. I wake up from laughing gas and puke over my shoulder. I have now made a fantastic impression on these people. And then, the surgery starts. When I started to wake up and was still loopy apparently I cried for my mom. I even tried sign language on the poor doctors. Who knows WHAT I said in that half an hour of waking up. I'm just glad there were no cameras. Yeah, yeah. You wanted them there. Shush. And then I threw up once we got home. Reallllll smooth. I'm really sorry if this is a bad story. Should I stop? No? Okay. So then there's this piece of stitching hanging off my gum so I took scissors to it (blame it on the vi-i-o-i-o-i-codinnnnn) and accidentally pulled out the whole stitch. Really late at night. A midnight call to the 'ol doc confirmed that I would be fine. WOOOOOOO. Now I just have a huge hole in the back of my mouth! Next time you see me, look at it. I dare you. And oh, I almost passed out from pain and stuff on my bathroom floor but that's no biggie. All part of the wonderful wisdom teeth extraction experience. Look forward to it, young ones.

That was a long(ish) story. I apologize for your short attention spans. Need some ice for that burn? Actually, I could use some ice for my mouth.... huh. Anywho.

Hahahahahaha:Just saying. That's a pretty good way to catch a crook.

Well I'm going to go tell some jokes and try to catch thieves, so TTYL!