Monday, July 18, 2011

Mrs. Ariel Longbottom

Alright, so it's kind of a joke, but also kind of the most serious thing of my entire life. I'm talking about my undying love for Neville Longbottom, beeteedubs. I just saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part Two anddddddddd I'm basically going to marry Neville.

Picture time:



Oh, dibs.

Also, when I was walking out of the theater I was singing "I'm going to marry Neville Longgggggbottom!" in an opera voice and this random man starting singing an opera note and then was like "oh, sorry. Haha."....... Yeah. I love it when random men start singing with me.

Oh. And the movie was amazing. In case you were wondering.

Music for today:

Okay, so Eisley is really great. If you don't know Eisley, look them up!




Watch It Die

are three great songs by Eisley. And that's what I've got for ya today.

*Sigh*. Tomorrow I get my wisdom teeth out. I'm finally starting to NOT be sick and then sickness is thrust on me. Today I appear to be a (semi) normal human being. But tomorrow...

I think the glasses just come with the gig.

Wish me luck on surgery! And unfortunately I will NOT be allowing my mother to record the ridiculous things I say whilst "under the influence". Visiting hours are between anytime and whenevs. Not that I'm desperate for company or anything. But hey. I'm going to go listen to Passion Pit. TTFN!

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